Can You Get Stuck in Hypnosis???

Filed under: Hypnosis Training

We like to answer that question with a quote from our friend Tad James, “Pray for it to happen”. Trance would be a great place to get stuck, if that were even possible.

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Contrary to common myths and urban legends around hypnosis though, nobody has ever been stuck in hypnosis in the history of humanity. It just didn’t happen. If you’ve ever heard a story about someone getting stuck in a hypnotic trance, we can promise you it was either a misunderstanding at the best, or an all-out lie at the worst.

The reason we can say that with such certainty is because we know hypnosis isn’t a thing or a place you can get stuck in. Instead, it’s an activity. It’s something you are doing, and NOT something you are in. The truth is you can no more get stuck in trance than you can get stuck in a conversation or watching TV. 

Think about it: when you’re in a conversation, you can just leave at any point you want. Though it would be considered rude to just leave a person hanging, it’s perfectly possible to do so. There’s nothing stopping you but social norms.

The same applies for television. Every time you’ve ever watched TV, you were voluntarily doing so (or so we hope). You were free to turn it off and go do something else at any given time. If you chose not to, that was your conscious decision.

Likewise, you’ll only remain in hypnosis as long as you keep voluntarily doing hypnosis, because hypnosis is something you are an active participant in, much more than something happening to you. 

The moment you decide to stop participating, you’ll be wide awake and no less mentally sound as when you started. And because hypnosis, as we mentioned, is a self induced state much more than a result of what someone else does, if a hypnotist leaves you in a trance and doesn’t bother to bring you out, you’ll simply come out on your own at your own pace. 

If any of this seems hard to believe, just remember hypnosis is a normal state for the human brain to be in. Chances are you’ve been in hypnosis dozens of times since you woke up this morning and will go into hypnosis at least a dozen more before you go to bed. 

So now you know: if you ever catch yourself concerned you may be hypnotized and never come back to your regular self, remind yourself it’s simply NOT going to happen. So just relax and enjoy your trance state.

If you wish to learn more about hypnosis, self hypnosis and gain a variety of skills you can apply in your everyday life, the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy is the course for you. 

At MMHA, we teach hypnosis from the very basics to several highly advanced techniques, making it the ideal program for hypnotherapists, stage hypnotists and people who want to develop hypnotic communication skills. Click here to get a 14-day free trial.

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