The Mother of All Updates

Filed under: Hypnosis Training

Normally I write these kinds of updates as broadcast emails, but since there is so much happening over at Mike Mandel Hypnosis I figured a blog post is in order.

So here goes! 

Over the last few months Mike and I have shifted our focus to dramatically improve the content inside of the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy (MMHA), our flagship online hypnosis training program. 

Six Years Already!

We launched it six years ago in June 2013. The original mission was to give people a way to train with us if they could not make it to Toronto given the tuition expense, time and travel required.

The MMHA has grown like crazy, and we already have far more content inside that program than we can possibly fit into our live 5-day Toronto training. 

In 2015 we started attending the world’s largest hypnosis conference, Hypnothoughts Live, in Las Vegas.  We made friends with great hypnosis trainers and started to invite some of them to come to Toronto as guest trainers.  

So far we’ve brought in Karl Smith, Melissa Tiers, James Tripp and most recently Anthony and Freddy Jacquin. We were able to film every single weekend training and add a portion of those classes to the MMHA as bonus material, while making several of these full classes available for sale as stand-alone items.  It was a great way to expand our offering while substantially boosting the exposure of other incredible hypnosis trainers who we admire and respect.

In 2019 we also started to organize and film more full-length hypnosis demonstrations to give our students even more value from their MMHA subscription. We’ve added a handful of demos in the first half of this year, and we’ll add even more.

Here’s what’s coming soon.

Guest training from Freddy and Anthony Jacquin. 

Within the next few weeks we will add about 3 hours of content from Freddy and Anthony to the MMHA. These fine gentlemen have mastered the art of making hypnotherapy simple to learn while still adding so much value for advanced hypnotists. We are currently promoting their full weekend training package plus a ton of bonus material at a special price. 

This offer expires June 30th. Every hypnotist on the planet should own this training. Seriously - just go buy it right now and if you disagree with me just let me know for a full refund within 60 days.  It’s incredibly brilliant material.

Architecture of Change

Mike and I will be teaching a one day class called “The Architecture of Change” in Las Vegas this August. We’ll show you how to create the perfect hypnosis session for your clients. We’ll cover everything from the moment the client first interacts with you to the actual hypnosis work to the goodbye.

We expect to film the entire event and add it to the MMHA library as additional training for all members. We would love you to be there in person, and we are shooting ourselves in the foot somewhat by saying this, but building the MMHA is our priority and we want you to know what you’ll be getting when you join MMHA.

Anxiety Management and Solutions

We’re in the early stages of planning a full video course on dealing with anxiety. This will become a stand-alone course but it will also reside inside of the MMHA for all members.  The intention behind this product is to help individuals help themselves while also helping therapists be better equipped to help their clients. We’re aiming for an October release on this.

Master Hypnotic Presentations and Demonstrations!

Speaking of October, we are bringing the incredible Michael C. Anthony to Toronto on October 19-20. He is arguably the best stage hypnotist we know and he’s a world class mentalist and magician, best selling author on body language and an amazing presenter and teacher.  

He’s going to teach us the tricks to performing hypnosis group demonstrations and much more! Any hypnotist who feels uncomfortable doing public demonstrations will be forever changed after this class. We will announce signup details on our events page soon, and we will of course put about 3 hours of hand-picked content from that weekend in the MMHA bonus area for all members.

FREE Certification Testing is Coming Soon

We have saved the best for last.  

Over the years the most common question we’ve been asked is “Will I get a certificate when I complete your online training?”

Since the MMHA is a membership, not a static course, it’s hard to define when people are so-called “finished” the training. We add to it every single month. It keeps growing.

But we realize that students want a certificate to prove they’ve done our online training. So we’re implementing a testing procedure that will cost members absolutely nothing extra.  

That’s right. Certification will be FREE for all members in good standing at the time of launch. Afterwards we will likely implement a reasonable testing fee. But if you’re an MMHA member right now, or if you join prior to the launch of the certification testing (July), you get it free.

The certification test will verify that you’ve gone through the core 24 training modules and understand the material.  If you’ve never taken our training you will not pass the test. But if you do go through each lesson and pay attention to the training, you’ll do fine.

We can’t certify skill with a test like this.  We can only certify understanding of core concepts. In our polling of students around the world, people want physical evidence that they’ve done our training either for credibility (posting a certificate on an office wall), or for continuing education (CE) units as part of their profession. Your certificate will verify you’ve invested at least 40 hours in this training … because you won’t pass if you haven’t done this.

We have more surprises on the way, but I think this is a good place to end this update. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us. Facebook Messenger is a great place to connect.

World Class Video Training and Certification


"I absolutely love the online course. It completely changed my life and consulting career. The information is the best I've ever seen. You guys are incredible at what you do. I love the course so much."

Jason Cyrus

Connecticut, USA

World Class Video Training and Certification


"I absolutely love the online course. It completely changed my life and consulting career. The information is the best I've ever seen. You guys are incredible at what you do. I love the course so much."

Jason Cyrus