How To Activate and Enlist Your Unconscious Mind With High-Level Thinking: Bloom’s Taxonomy

Filed under: Personal Growth

Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues spent a weekend back in the 1950’s conferencing to determine the structure of questions in relation to high-level thinking. The product of this conference is still used today in teaching and learning all over the world.  

Because this model has proved to be so useful, we will use this blog to understand it and take a look at how answers shift based on the level in Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Whenever someone asks you a question, you can’t help but search your mind for an  answer, right?  Answering questions is an automatic process run by our unconscious mind.  In fact, any time you ask yourself a question, the same thing happens; you look in your mind for an answer.  

This may seem unimportant, but consider the questions we ask ourselves on a daily basis.  

Questions and the respective automatic answers are inseparable and we want to be sure you know how to ask questions that help you live your best life.

Defining the Levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy

The model has 6 “levels” and it’s a hierarchy, which just means that every level takes in all the levels below it. We’ll explain this soon, but for now here are the six levels starting from the bottom, and working our way up. 

  1. Remembering (the base of pyramid)
  2. Understanding
  3. Applying 
  4. Analyzing 
  5. Evaluating 
  6. Creating (the top of pyramid)
Bloom's Taxonomy Levels

Level 1: Remembering

This is the level of recall.  Each level has preselected verbs that can be used to frame a question.  These are some starting verbs for eliciting answers that activate the recall centers of the brain:

  • Define
  • Duplicate
  • List 
  • Repeat 
  • State

Try it yourself: use these verbs to create a question from this level of thinking

  • List three hypnotists.

Level 2: Understanding 

The level immediately above remembering is understanding. This level is all about comprehension.  A few of the starter verbs for framing questions characterized by this learning level are:

  • Describe
  • Explain
  • Classify
  • Select
  • Translate

Here is another question/prompt created from this level of thinking and learning:

  • Describe one of the three hypnotists you listed in level one.  

Level 3: Applying

The level immediately above understanding is applying. This level asks you to implement levels 1 (remembering) & 2 (understanding) to solve problems in new situations. Some of the starter verbs for framing questions characterized by this learning level are:

  • Implement
  • Utilize
  • Solve
  • Interpret
  • Sketch 

This is your prompt for this level:

  • Interpret how (hypnotist you selected) might use their techniques and practices to help a client who thinks their feet are too big. What do you think they would use in this situation?

Level 4: Analyzing

The level immediately above applying is analyzing. This level asks you to implement levels 1 (remembering), 2 (understanding), and 3 (applying) to break information into parts by identifying motives or causes. Some of the starter verbs for framing questions characterized by this learning level are:

  • assume
  • categorize
  • classify
  • examine
  • survey

To continue with the practice prompts, try this:

  • Examine how the hypnotist you selected has helped clients with poor body image in the past.  

Level 5: Evaluating

The level immediately above analyzing is evaluating. This level asks you to implement levels 1 (remembering), 2 (understanding), 3 (applying), and 4 (analyzing) to form a defendable opinion. A few of the starter verbs for framing questions characterized by this learning level are:

  • appraise
  • assess
  • choose
  • justify
  • recommend


  • Appraise the solutions (hypnotist you selected) utilized to help clients with poor body image in the past. Which solution would you be most comfortable and effective for you to implement in your practice? 

Level 6: Creating 

The highest level questions involve creation. This level asks you to implement levels 1 (remembering), 2 (understanding), 3 (applying), 4 (analyzing), and level 5 (evaluating) to compile information in a new way that proposes an alternate solution. Starter verbs for framing questions characterized by this learning level include:

  • adapt
  • build
  • change
  • create
  • invent

Here is your final prompt for this blog post:

  • Based on all of your previous answers, how could you adapt your solution to help clients with poor body image for online therapy (zoom etc)? 
Smiling Woman Wearing Glasses

How Bloom’s Taxonomy Can Improve Your Life

Here at MMHA (Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy) we understand and have implemented the levels of learning into our curricula. You may often hear us say, we like to work script-free. This is only possible when you have reached the upper tiers of Bloom's Taxonomy.  

Other hypnosis programs may give you a script to read at all clients with no calibration and poor body image. The fact is, everyone is different and most often, people require a personalized approach to a solution. With the tools you learn at MMHA, you will be able to perform highest-level thinking unconsciously and easily because we have intentionally scaffolded your learning this way.   

If you are not interested in hypnosis, Bloom’s Taxonomy is still very useful.  It can be fun to see what level you are at in different areas of your life and study.  

For example: Maybe you have a general knowledge of bottle rockets. Suppose you have seen them launched in a physics class in highschool, and maybe even helped build one years ago.  You could look at Bloom’s Taxonomy to quickly determine where your skills max out.  

  1. Yes, I can remember seeing a bottle rocket on YouTube or in person at some point
  2. Yes, I understand that the rocket needs some sort of fuel to thrust it past gravity’s reaches
  3. Given the resources (without instructions) could I apply my knowledge for a successful launch…not 100% certainty.

With that in mind, you understand that application would be a possible next step in your learning path. You may also notice that you also do not understand or remember all of the elements necessary for a successful launch.

PAUSE:  Which answer do you want?  If you actually want to see my rocket launch-the right question must be asked!

Bloom’s Taxonomy Wrap-up

Questions lead to answers. In fact, they are not as separate as we might imagine.  Questions get answered by our unconscious mind all the time.  It doesn't matter if we or someone else asked it, an answer is easily identified by our unconscious mind.  

Answers don’t always lead to actions and that is where the verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy come in handy. If you want to move towards your goals, there needs to be an accompanying action. 

With this model you can intentionally target the level that makes the most sense for you, your students, your interview candidates etc.  Keep in mind, just as this model suggests, and models are always open to interpretation and can be adjusted to meet the needs of any situation or client.   

Woman Doing Thumbs Up Sign

What’s Next?

If you want to feel better and design a better life then we make sure to check out our Personal Growth Membership. This is our flagship program for personal change. You’ll become a powerful communicator and develop influence abilities beyond what you realized was possible. 

This is something we feel passionate about at MMHA. If you understand the process and context, you will be able to work script-free. Any client can come to you and you will understand which resources will be most useful.  What kind of questions do you ask on a daily basis?  What kind of questions might be more useful in your life?

Click here to start your 14-day free trial at MMHA.