Welcome to Brain Software Podcast, Episode # 108! Our knowledge is glannative, and so are you! So settle back for our latest offering from the grain elevator…
Stick around, dudes and dudettes! This is another good one! We’re Las Vegas bound…so here we go…
And be sure to check out the show notes below while you’re listening. Send in your questions and ideas for future episodes, because Chris and Mike are here for all of you…Please head over to iTunes and give Brain Software a 5 Star Rating .
Here are the show notes from this episode:
- Viva Las Vegas and HypnoThoughts Live!
- James Tripp arrives soon…and graphology precedes him. Come study with Mike Mandel and seem to be psychic!
- The Amazing James Tripp is retiring as a Trainer of hypnosis! Only L.A., Toronto, and Edinburgh to go…
- Think Tank Word of the Day: Lightning
- The brain likes to function quickly!
- Self-monitoring isn’t a good thing…
- Chris will work with you online for your wellness!
- Rudy Giuliani said some really dickish things! Hey Rudy, is it true that truth isn’t true anymore?
- Ghosting! How does it affect you? Badly. We need resolution!
- Bob Burns ghosted Mike! (It all worked out though)
- The Salt Fix – A great book by Dr James DiNicolantonio
- Chris sets up a double-bind!
- Elon Musk is in the news a lot…why?
- 100 Days of Awesome…who are the winners?
A word from our sponsor: When the lawn tree blooms!
- Dana in Chicago asks about the limits of hypnosis…
- You don’t need motivation. You need to take action!
- Derry in the UK asks: Are NLP and hypnosis the same thing?
- Callum in Galway Ireland asks about memory and hypnosis…
- Janet in Toronto asks if regression is always necessary to fix problems…
- DSiH (direct suggestion in hypnosis) is under-rated!
- Vast experience fires the intuition!
- Martin had issues with his partner because of “mind manipulation”!
Empowering Questions: Ask yourself: What is the perfect life for me, and what will I do to make it happen? What kind of future do I really, really want, and what will I do now to make it happen?
Empowering Metafive: The Red Lobster Lunch
Ending: Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send us your questions for future episodes! You can either email them as text or record them using your phone’s voice recorder and email us the audio file! Email address is info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com
Important Links and Reminders:
Get our iPhone app NUVI at the App Store to learn Ericksonian language.
Check out our events page for details on the upcoming James Tripp weekend in Toronto, and our November 5-day class.
SOLD OUT! Our November Architecture of Hypnosis training is full. We are booking the course in May 2019 now!