Welcome to Brain Software Podcast, Episode # 147, remotely from the Hypnotic World Epicenter, Toronto Canada, and Hypno-East, Port Perry Canada too! Today we bring the Wonder Boy of Hypno-Oncology to you, Garry Coles…
Hypnosis has always struck us as a strange thing…so here’s a new direction today…
Can we really use hypnosis to help with conventional therapies? We’re about to find out…
But let’s never forget to ask: Whatever happened to that old tranquility we used to know?
We say our live trainings are coming up, but COVID-19 has shut those peckers down for now at least…
Welcome to the show: Garry Coles, live from the UK…and it’s snowing here.
PLEASE NOTE: This was recorded prior to COVID-19 causing lockdown nearly worldwide, so the references to live events in the podcasts has obviously been subject to change, but we did not re-edit the podcast.
- Mike has sold his Blue Snowball USB microphone, and now he desperately needs it back.
- Garry’s credentials in working with cancer are astounding! He has a Master of Science degree and 5 locations, so here we go!
- 50% of people will be affected by cancer…
- Many people are going for alternative therapies…
- Even experienced hypnotherapists are scared of working with cancer!
- Garry is hospital based and provides hypnotic interventions for those going through the cancer journey…
- Fear, worry, panic, stress of the initial diagnosis are one area he works…
- Pre and post-surgical hypnosis and pain control are dealt with …
- Side-effects from radiation and treatment respond well to hypnosis…
- Blood platelets and the immune system can be accessed hypnotically too…
- Garry also works with the family and loved ones of those with cancer…
- Social interaction is a big problem with cancer patients, because people avoid them…
- Mike’s Mom died of cancer at home and put it in remission for a year…
- He has almost no memory of the three months when she went through it…
- We are not claiming that we can use hypnosis to cure cancer!
- Garry uses adaptations of traditional hypnotherapy techniques…
- If you’re going to be working with doctors, you have to have your terminology down pat! A good understanding of cancer treatment is important…
- Garry’s seen very sad cases, but also some amazing research in pre-surgery. The hypnosis group had less depression and took less pain medication!
- Pain and suffering are not the same thing!
- Garry believes the placebo effect can be used with hypnosis too…
- And let’s not forget that drugs have a placebo effect too!
- Pain is an emotive word! Be careful what you say…especially if you have prestige!
- Just a little bit pinchy feeling! Much better than saying that it will hurt!
- The hypnosis group were up and around faster than the control group!
- People who recover faster, feel better and people who feel better, recover faster…
- “If you treat somebody like they’re sick, they’ll act sick.” – Chris Thompson
- You can even use hypnosis before surgery so the patient doesn’t perceive the scalpel as threatening…
- What can hypnotists do for patients? Ask what they want you to do!
Check out: www.hypno-oncology.com
Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send us your questions for future episodes! You can either email them as text or record them using your phone’s voice recorder and email us the audio file! Email address is info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com
Important Links and Reminders:
Free video course on conversational hypnosis, also contains free companion mobile app.
See all of our upcoming live events here.