Podcast #150 – Conversational Hypnosis Part 3

Hello and welcome to the Brain Software Podcast, Episode # 150, the world's finest hypnosis, NLP and personal development podcast! Today Chris and Mike complete the discussion on the topic of Conversational Hypnosis...

Listen to the Episode:

Introduction for Episode 150

Today we finish the conversation about conversational hypnosis! 

Lockdown continues due to Covid 19, but we're continuing too, and we're here for you...

So lock yourself down in dimension 42 and gain some new mind tools...

Think Tank Words for This Episode:

1. Village

2. Employee

3. Clothes

Show Notes for Episode 150

  • HypnoThoughts Live is GO! We hope...
  • Happy Bastard! (It's the International Year of the Bastard)
  • Chris' word of the year is still FUN, but no clown suit needed...
  • If you're a hypnotherapist or coach get working online!
  • Embedded commands are awesome!
  • Analog marking uses the entire spectrum of gray...
  • You can touch the person, drop your voice, pause...
  • Mike was doing Ericksonian hypnosis without knowing it...
  • Carsickness caused by a single embedded command...(Mike doesn't do this kind of thing anymore, because he was young back...in his mid 30s...
  • And you may go into a trance...
  • What happens when you ?really reconsider this?
  • Slowly and quickly are useful hypnotic words...
  • Only and Just are great hypnotic words. They minimize difficulty...
  • Embedded questions work too...
  • Create the question and then build a sentence around it...
  • My Voice Will Go With You is a great book by Sidney Rosen...
  • Use your Hypnotic Voice! Just don't sound insane...
  • Erickson did spatial anchoring with his voice...
  • Spatial anchoring can be visual too!
  • The Wonder of Stacking Negatives! You can use them to create confusion...
  • You can say anything...by not saying it!
  • These language patterns are carriers! Just like radio waves...and bread!
  • I'm not going to say (embedded command)
  • Chris would never say "I'm not going to never say they're not crooks"
  • That's right...This is a universal amplifier when doing any hypnosis...
  • Tad James looks for the signs and says "Wow...that was a big one..."
  • The power of double-binds! Only 2 alternatives, but they both work...
  • TRY is a great word, because it implies failure...
  • Try not to smile...as you read this...
  • "Eyes closed now..." or "Sleep now..." can push the person off the proverbial garden wall...
  • Milton Erickson used to look at the person expectantly...
  • Nominalizations are nouns that you cannot put in a wheelbarrow...
  • They have no physical form and a different meaning for every person...
  • We have a free 45 minute course called NUVI

Commercial Break

The Shyzzjigg Corporation

Empowering Questions:

Ask yourself...How many of my human interactions are more hypnotic than I realized until now...and what will I do to help create a fully ant-proof society?


Grand-dad the Air Raid Warden, and the bannister rail


The Regiment and the Limericks

Important Links and Reminders:

Free video course on conversational hypnosis, also contains FREE companion mobile app.

See all of our upcoming live events here.