Hello and welcome to the Brain Software Podcast. This is episode #154 where we discuss all aspects of the Mandel Model of Therapy. Stay tuned for coolness...
Listen to the Episode:
Introduction for Episode 154
Hey wassup? We're unpacking the Mandel Model of Therapy today, which is a great way to approach a client session...
And remember, not matter what happens...the storm is still raging...and...
So...if you want a really good working model, you're in the right place, Scro!
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 154
- Our new course on self hypnosis is now available
- Can all problems be resolved in one session? Nope.
- Make it difficult to see you! It helps with finding clients at threshold...
- The Mandel Model is one way of looking at things...It's a model, not tools...
- "The test of a model is its usefulness" - John Grinder
- What do you want? or What would you like to have happen?
- The solution is always external to the box you're stuck in...
- How will you know when you have it? (evidence criteria)
- The client is trapped in a labyrinth...and they created it!
- People do not react to the world. They react to their internal representation of the world...
- Labyrinths have false exits, looping hallways, locked doors, darkness, etc.
- The labyrinth is real to the client! The constraints of the labyrinth are real...
- The labyrinth is entirely original, and unique in form and meaning...
- The labyrinth is constructed by the client's response to external events...
- The labyrinth is supported and undergirded by the client's beliefs!
- We cannot jump into the labyrinth, kill the monster and drag the client out!
- Parents need to teach kids to solve their own problems...
Tonight! On the Level 42 Network: Jerry and the Smooth One...
- The client must exit the labyrinth under his own power...
- Give the client the tools so he can finish the job!
- The labyrinth must be dismantled by the client...
- A reframe can automatically dismantle the labyrinth...
- The client must be at Cause, not Effect!
- Check out the Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy online training!
- The Final Question: What's next? Put the client at Cause!
- The Hypnotherapy Sandwich blog is here...
Empowering Questions:
Ask yourself: What labyrinths and mazes of my own creation are disempowering in my life...and what needs to happen...for me to be free again?
The Queen's Hotel in Dunnville
Ending: The horrors of growing up English...
Important Links and Reminders:
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.