Welcome to Episode 75 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson! The storm is becoming intergalactic! Join us, or get out of our way…
Today, our brilliant friend Dave Ambrose, the People’s Physicist, takes over the intro from the 17th dimension. Apologies to Coby in Texas, who he calls “Cody”.
Check out the show notes below and scroll down to listen to the podcast directly on this page. Keep sending us topic suggestions and show feedback. We love hearing from all of you. Remember to send your Gus Grissom sightings to: gusgrissom@mailinator.com
Here are the show notes for this episode:
- After Dave Ambrose’s amazing introduction, Chris takes the helm of the studio.
- Chris intros Mike: The Premier Storm Rider in the room…etc.
- It’s the end of summer! Where has the year gone? It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re drinking kale and studying Japanese Cultural History and Meteorology, via The Great Courses. Check them out…
- Mike says that if you get smarter and smarter, you’ll be happier!
- Relationships…intimate and otherwise are on the menu.
- The (probably) last ever live graphology training in Toronto has been and gone.
- The awesome digital graphology course is available online at mikemandelhypnosis.com/handwriting
- Ken Walton has become obsessed with his new graphological powers…
- Karl Smith from the UK will be coming to Toronto! The dates are set to April 29-30, 2017. This is an amazing strategic alliance. Karl will be teaching his amazing Kinetic Shift. Email is to get on the notification list for signup, as we haven’t setup a page for this just yet.
- Scott Sandland will be bringing Karl to California, the week before his Toronto training (April 22-23 in California).
- Mike invokes the Law of Requisite Variety. Life is all about having choices!
- The Wellness Academy rolls on in Week 1. It’s easy to do and can change your life.
- We are not born with pharmaceutical deficiency! Remember this.
- Mike has perfect bloodwork in his 60s. He has reversed fatty liver and feels amazing at 63!
- Acronym for Wellness is DAM! Diet, Activity and the Mental Game. Avoid processed carbohydrates, avoid sugar and processed foods, don’t drink calories (aside from the helathy low-sugar smoothies. Eat whole fruit in moderation instead of drinking fruit juice. Eat quality proteins and fats. Do 15 minutes of bodyweight exercise, 4 or 5 times per week. No equipment needed and gym memberships are strictly optional.
- Mike explains how he used to run 6 miles but his cardio improved when he switched to high-intensity bodyweight exercises.
- Commercial Break – Ant Proof Casters and the ShyzJihg Corporation.
- Mike explains his qualifications in speaking on relationships. He seems impressed with himself.
- Mike’s friend’s marriage is falling apart. She needs space. He doesn’t feel good about that.
- If you’re stupid enough to dump Mike, you’re a frickin’ idiot!
- The Needy Detector…The pathetic case of the Human Ashtray!
- Don’t walk on eggshells for anybody, men or women! Get some backbone. Don’t set off the Needy Detector! In a relationship, the person who cares the least is the one who’s in control.
- Chris goes into an awesome Science Geek mode. He repeats what Mike said, in many, many, many more words.
- Highly recommended book: The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.
- Love is a strategy. What fires yours?
- Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Gift Giving, Acts of Service.
- We tend to do our own Love Language and expect the same one in return. We only respond to our own Love Language.
- Friendships, business relationships, whatever, it still applies.
- Ryan The Giver! Sauerkraut and knives.
- You’re Still Just Danny!…on the Honey Hallmark Network at 8…
- …and later…Larry Gomez, the Man Who Might be Mexican
- How do we discover a person’s Love Language? They unconsciously act out their own need for attention and affection.
- You can elicit their Love Language by asking them!
- It all starts to get very Ken Sweatman…There is much to evaluate in our relationships.
- Basement vs Balcony people. We can’t fix toxic people. Don’t waste your time.
- Mike talks about the wine throwing woman who is now fired! He goes on to discuss toxicity and handwriting. Get rid of the basement people. Surround yourself with balcony people and be a balcony person for them.
- Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times in enemy action!
- Mike is shuffling papers. Chris appreciates it and affirms Mike. Mike strangles Chris.
- It’s Wednesday – Brit Jiu Jitsu night!
- Zombie arguments! Kill the zombies and don’t let them rise from the dead. Learn to control your own states. Chris begins a rather unusual example from sales. Mike pretends it applies to the current discussion by saying “It’s all human interaction.”
- Mike created Zombie Death Certificates! Available from The Shyzjihg Corporation…
- Chris attempts to end the podcast without Mike’s metaphor.
- The Gus Grissom Update: Gus Grissom has apparently gone into hiding. There have been no sightings for weeks. Please watch out for Gus, and make sure you email any sightings to gusgrissom@mailinator.com
Check out this video and sign up today for Mike’s amazing online graphology training!
Empowering Question: Who are the most toxic people in my life, and what am I going to do to move on?
Metaphor: The starfish on the beach.
Remember: Our November Architecture of Hypnosis class is now sold out and the waiting list is building. Get on the waiting list in case a spot frees up AND we’ll use that list as early bird notification for the May 2017 class
Ending: The Little Book of Laughnosis
Please leave a rating in iTunes, and send in your questions by email to info(at)mikemandelhypnosis.com