This is the Brain Software Podcast, and it's all about regression! And by this, we mean RTC, or regression to cause...
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Introduction for Episode 190
Are you regressed? Have you gone back into your own past?
There's a good reason why you should do it, and that's because...
So let's head into the wealth of the past...your past...and no shoofin' the goofer!
Think Tank Words for This Episode
Show Notes for Episode 190
- You can be set free from the past!
- Regression to cause is one of the most powerful hypnotic techniques we can use...
- DSiH is great for lots of things, but sometimes we have to remove the metaphorical shrapnel before we suture the wound...
- Regression therapy can be traced to Freud's affect bridge...
- We are so much more than wacky, zany humour!
- Trance occurs naturally all the time; not necessarily the trance you want...
- Hypnosis is a tool, but it doesn't actually take us back in time!
- We don't treat actual events, we treat the client's perception of the event...
- Interviewing someone can create paramnesia by accident!
- Ten witnesses will give ten different stories...
- A lot of negative emotion can be released through abreaction...
- A somnambulistic trance is required for true regression work...
- Depth of trance is really on a spectrum - if it exists at all...
- Somnambulism is the working state of hypnosis!
- A deep trance streamlines the work by getting the conscious mind out of the way...
- Initial abreaction was for events that were consciously remembered...
- When we deal with a past event it becomes rationalized! It is given a context in our life...
- If you have two memories, the brain will draw from the most resourceful one...
- Once you get to the initial sensitizing event (ISE) there will be abreaction...
- Regression to cause and abreaction isn't necessary to discharge the negative emotions...
- Tad James' Timeline Therapy is a great modality for dealing with the past...
- "The scene fades, tend to your breathing..." - Gerald Kein
- Initial sensitizing event, activating event, subsequent sensitizing events...
- "And where are the negative emotions now...or did they just disappear?" - Tad James
- We teach principles, we don't read scripts at people!
- Check out the trainers who actually show up at the big hypnosis conferences!
- If you think that your way is the only way, there's a huge ego thing operating...
- There's very little new stuff in the field of hypnosis...
- The Sichort state is nonsensical!
Special Report from Hypno North, Meaford Ontario!
- We have to keep the client associated in the event when we regress to cause...
- The subject needs to feel the emotion and be IN the event!
- There are lots and lots of therapies that get great results...
- Treat the first time, the worst time, the most recent time, and the next time...
- You must always calibrate and look for artifacts when you check your work!
Empowering Question: Ask yourself: As I review my do I feel about the past, and what lessons are greatly improve the future...and if I'm a hypnotist...what will I do to apply the this my own practice...and my life..?
Metafive: Hair Trauma
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Ending: Haircut at The Beauty Box
Important Links and Reminders:
- The agree and repeat process video training is here, and it's free.
- This is our free video course on conversational hypnosis.